


教 師


內 容 介 紹




本課程介紹大氣-海洋平均氣候與低頻震盪的特徵及動力過程,特別是熱帶多尺度波動。主要介紹ITCZ和年週期變化,熱帶氣旋與波動,季節內振盪、年際震盪(如厄爾尼諾 - 南方濤動,印度洋偶極子)、年代際變化。課程著重理論和概念模型的講授,以利學生理解觀測現象背後的物理機制。授課對象為具備大氣-海洋科學背景的大四及研究所學生。




Earth atmosphere is uniquely regulated by water cycle. It spans wide spatiotemporal spectrum and many layers of governing physics. Through interactions with energy cycle and circulation, the moisture and cloud of highly fluctuating nature exhibit surprisingly coherent large-scale structure. The corresponding convective-radiative processes relevant in climate oscillations of different scales are essential part of climate dynamic.
This course is designed to be a graduate level (both MS and Ph.D.) course, with emphasis on interactions between convection and tropical weather (tropical waves) and climate oscillations (the MJO and ENSO) as well as mechanisms maintaining convective-radiative equilibrium. One half to two third of the course is taught by lectures covering the fundamentals, bibliographic survey, literature reading [basic and general references]. The rest of the course time will be devoted to observational and modeling analysis.




This course will introduce the advanced applications of numerical weather prediction (NWP), mainly using the WRF model. The spectral and pseudospectral methods typically used in the global model and tropical cyclone studies will be discussed. Relaxation method used in solving the Laplace and Possion equations will be presented. Several methods for lateral boundaries used in regional models will be discussed. Class projects based on the material covered in this class will be assigned. Students taking this course are assumed to have the basic knowledge of finite-difference methods and numerical analysis.




The physical and dynamical processes of deep cumulus clouds, which usually occur in mesoscale convective systems (MCSs), tropical cyclones and cloud clusters, and orographic precipitation will be introduced. Examples of important deep-convection phenomena near the Taiwan area, such as typhoons and MCSs within a Mei-Yu front, and their associated dynamics will be demonstrated and discussed.

Lecture Outline
1. Types of Convective Clouds in Earth’s Atmosphere
2. Basics of Cloud Microphysics
3. Basics of Cloud Dynamics
4. Cumulonimbus and Severe Storms
5. Mesoscale Convective Systems
6. Dynamics and Precipitation in Tropical Cyclones
7. Instabilities within Deep Convection
8. Gravity Waves Generation and Propagation




1. Conservation laws and basic equations:
Rotation and stratification; potential temperature/density; the primitive equations;
The vertical transform and shallow-water equations
2. Circulation, vorticity, absolute vorticity and potential vorticity:
Helmholtz theorem, Gauss’ theorem, Stoke’s theorem, and Kelvin circulation theorem;
Bjerknes solenoidal term, Rossby and Ertel’s potential vorticity (PV) equation;
Impermeability theorem of PV substance.
3. Potential vorticity conservation and isentropic fluid dynamics:
Thermodynamic reversibility and entropy,
Diabaticity and mixing,
The equations of motion in isentropic coordinates,
Ertel’s PV and entropy conservation
Quasi-geostrophy in isentropic coordinates
4. Slow manifold quasi-balanced dynamics and 2D turbulence
Bachelor’s hypothesis, selective decay of enstrophy;
Geostrophic Adjustment, secondary circulation equation;
Examples in vortex dynamics and filamentations.
5. Hamiltonian formulation [*optional]
Re-derivation of isentropic equations
Particle-re-labelling symmetry and PV conservation (Chapter 7.2 of Salmon)
Non-canonical Hamiltonian dynamics and PV as a Casmir (Chapter 7.10 of Salmon)




因應地球科學跨領域研究,高等大氣動力學課程的安排,除了傳統大氣動力學外,更廣泛包括大氣海洋流體力學 (Atmospheric Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, AOFD);課程也將加入新元素:例如探討空氣、水等流體性質對於生命科學與生物的影響;探討非線性動力數學建模,包含多重平衡與穩定、回饋、遲滯、同步、尺度分析等課題。課程重視數學思考與模式計算。


盧孟明 / 隋中興


Climate predictions on weekly, monthly, seasonal and annual timescales involves many processes that operate among the atmosphere, ocean and land surface. Monitoring and analyzing the weekly to interannual climate variability is an efficient way to enhance our understanding of global and regional climate variability and the relationship with high-impact weather events.
This course is designed to be a graduate level (both MS and Ph.D) course, with emphasis on learning about how to talk about natural variability from weekly to interannual time scales, and the fundamental statistical/quantitative methods used to diagnose the natural variability. The diagnostics aims to assess the nature of climate variations on differing time scales.
The class will be a mixture of lectures, discussions, and student presentations. Half of the course is taught by interactive-oriented lectures covering the major topics that is relevant to the real-time climate monitoring and discussion. The rest of the course time will be devoted to observational and forecast data analysis and student presentations. There will be homework and midterm progress report to cover the lectures and a final oral presentation and written report on topic chosen by students.








This is an advanced Tropical Climate Dynamics course intended for graduate students. It will introduce key observational phenomena in tropics, and discuss dynamic mechanisms behind the observed phenomena. We plan to cover four topics (MJO, Monsoon, ENSO, Climate mean state) in successive four semesters. For this semester the special topic is MJO and the course outline is as following:
1. Observed characteristics
2. Eastward propagation and planetary scale selection
3. Northward propagation in boreal summer
4. Initiation
5. Role of air-sea interaction and inter-annual variation




This is an advanced Tropical Climate Dynamics course intended for graduate students. It will introduce key observational phenomena in tropics, and discuss dynamic mechanisms behind the observed phenomena. We already covered the topic of MJO in 2018 Spring Semester and plan to continue covering four topics (BSISO, Monsoon, ENSO, Climate mean state) in successive four semesters.
For this semester (Fall 2019) the special topic is BSISO and the course outline is as following:
1. Observed characteristics
2. Propagation and planetary scale selection
3. Initiation process
4. Role of air-sea and air-land interaction and interannual variation




This course introduces the characteristics and the associated mechanisms of the large-scale circulation in the atmosphere. With the goal of bridging theories and observation using conceptual and numerical models with different level of complexity, we focus on the zonal mean circulation and briefly extend to the 3D circulation. Topics include: Hadley Circulation, midlatitude zonal mean circulation, the interactions between tropics and extratropics, and 3D atmospheric circulation. The model-projected trend (during global warming) of these circulations will be covered by paper discussions, which are designed to review and discuss the fundamental theories and simplified models.




This course focuses on the general dynamics of cloud systems. Models of fog, stratocumulus, shallow cumulus, deep cumulus, and orographic convection will be presented. Classes will include presentations by the instructor and students. Material covered in class will be supplemented by homework assignments, which require coding abilities. Numerical simulations of idealized convective systems will be conduced using the vector vorticity equation cloud resolving model (VVM). The class will conclude with student presentations on a chosen project based on the results of the numerical simulations.
Class discussions will be held at the end of each topic or main subsection to discuss science questions arising from the material just presented. Each student is expected to have thought about such questions independently and be able to present these in class if called on.




本課程將介紹地球系統模式之對流過程並分單元授課。主要介紹如何在大尺度模式中表示積雲對流的過程,將使用高解析大渦模式(LES),雲解析模式(CRM), 之模擬結果簡化成概念模式。課程內容包含講演與模式實作與分析。將分為下述課題: 乾對流過程、淺對流過程、深對流過程、大渦模式與雲解析模式之介紹




Feedbacks between land and atmosphere play a central role in the interactive functioning of the Earth's climate. The goal of this course is to understand the essential aspects of roles of land processes in the climate systems. Topics covered include: (1) basics of terrestrial surface energy, water and carbon balances, (2) ecohydrology, and (3) land use and land cover changes. Students will read several critical papers in these topics, and will also learn to design, perform, and analyze numerical climate experiments/outputs with a land surface model and climate model for their final project.




隨著近年來觀測儀器(技術)的進步以及高解析度數值模式的廣泛應用,使得我們慢慢了解到,較劇烈且具傷害力的天氣現象(如強烈降水與風暴)常侷限於中小尺度的範疇。可是由於發生這些劇烈天氣的原因相當多樣化且複雜,傳統的綜觀氣象理論基礎已無法滿足我們對於這些現象的了解。本課程的主要目的為介紹實際大氣中的中尺度天氣現象,並就各種不同的中尺度天氣系統,廣泛說明它們內部的結構與隱含的物理與動力過程。這其中,現階段的了解為授課重心,然而目前最新的研究成果也會在課堂上適時予以補充說明。課程內容將針對下列主題作有系統的闡釋:(1)中尺度的基本概念 、(2)中尺度天氣現象的觀測分析與預報、(3)大氣對流的觀念、(4)中緯度及熱帶中尺度對流系統、(5)劇烈風暴、(6)鋒面的中尺度特徵與其伴隨的雨帶。


陳世楠 / 林和


This is an upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level course on geophysical waves and instability. We will focus on slowly evolving flow that is nearly in geostrophic balance and thus satisfies the “Quasi-geostrophic (QG) approximation”. The primary subjects are:

1. QG
2. Rossby wave
3. Baroclinic instability
4. Wave-mean-flow interactions

The course format is a combination of lectures and student project, with student-led presentation/ discussion.








• This course provides a solid foundation in climate change science, including lectures on the physical basis of anthropogenic climate change, natural climate variations, and global climate models.
• The students need to work on projects to obtain a hands-on experience on building toy models and analyzing the observational data sets and global model outputs.
• The student will read and present selected sections of the 2013 IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR5) of Working Group I Physical Basis, as well as the related literatures, to understand the current status of climate change research.

Prerequisite on student levels:
• 4th-year undergrad or above in Atmospheric Sciences major, or upon the approval of the instructor.
• The students need to have basic capabilities to analyze and/or visualize numerical data using scientific software/programming language, such as FORTRAN, GrADS, IDL, Matlab, or NCL.
• They also need to have basic understandings to the earth system sciences, atmospheric thermodynamics and radiation, statistics, and climatology.




Data assimilation is an important field in numerical modeling and analysis in geoscience. It allows observation information to be objectively and optimally ingested into numerical models using statistical theories, providing analysis data which are essential for initializing model prediction and for climate studies.
This course will introduce the concept of data assimilation and study several common objective analysis and data assimilation schemes in geoscience, from simple interpolation to advanced methods such as variational data assimilation and ensemble Kalman filter. Recent advancement in this field and the implementation and application in operational numerical weather prediction will also be introduced.